Gerakan Mau

Wanita gerakan Mau pada sekitar tahun 1930

Mau adalah sebuah gerakan non-kekerasan untuk kemerdekaan Samoa dari penjajahan pada paruh pertama abad ke-20. Motto untuk Mau adalah kalimat Samoa mo Samoa (Samoa untuk orang Samoa).

Bacaan tambahan

  • Chapell, David. "The Forgotten Mau: Ant-Navy Protest in American Samoa, 1920-1935." Pacific Historical Review 69.2 (2000): pp. 217–260.
  • Field, Michael J., Mau: Samoa's Struggle Against New Zealand Oppression. Reed Publishing, 1984.

Pranala luar

  • ‘Guardians and Wards’: (A study of the origins, causes, and the first two years of the Mau in Western Samoa.) Diarsipkan 2012-04-14 di Wayback Machine. by Albert Wendt
  • New Zealand in Samoa (
  • NZ Prime Minister's apology & Samoa Prime Minister reply
  • Album of Photographs of the Mau Uprising, 1930 - 40 online photographs by police officer F J Gleeson in National Library, Wellington (go to Timeframes) Diarsipkan 2012-10-29 di Wayback Machine.
  • Heritage et AL: Samoa Guardian Diarsipkan 2018-02-02 di Wayback Machine.
  • 1930 report into deaths by New Zealand coroner (with sketch map) Diarsipkan 2022-01-17 di Wayback Machine.