Kon konifer

Kon Pinus coulteri
Kon Aleppo Pine (Israel)

Kon (dalam istilah botani: strobilus) merupakan organ bagi tumbuhan Pinophyta (konifer) yang mengandungi struktur pembiakan. Kon berkayu yang biasa merupakan kon betina, yang menghasilkan biji benih. Kon jantan, yang menghasilkan debunga biasanya herbaceous dan kurang menonjol walaupun apabila matang sepenuhnya. Nama "kon" terhasil dari sebab bentuk dalam sesetengah spesies menyerupai gemotri kon. Kepingan individual pada kon dikenali sebagai sisik.

Kon jantan (microstrobilus atau kon debunga) secara struktur sama bagi semua konifer, berbeza hanya sedikit sahaja (kebanyakannya aturan sisik) dari spesies ke spesies. Menjulur keluar dari paksi tengah adalah mikrosporophylls (daun terubahsuai). Di bawah setiap microsporophyll adalah satu atau beberapa mikrosporangia (kantung debunga).

Kon betina (megastrobilus, kon biji benih, atau kon ovulate) mengandungi ovules yang, apabila disenyawakan oleh debunga, membentuk biji benih. Struktur kon betina lebih jauh berbeza antara keluarga konofer berlainan, dan sering kali penting bagi mengenal pasti kebanyak spesies konifer.

Kon betina keluarga konifer

Kon Pinaceae

Intact and disintegrated fir cones
Young cones of a Colorado Blue Spruce


  • Kon pine diselitupi salji selepas ribut ais.
    Kon pine diselitupi salji selepas ribut ais.
  • Kon jantan pine
    Kon jantan pine
  • Contoh klasik kon Cedar Lebnon
    Contoh klasik kon Cedar Lebnon
  • Kon pine betina tidak matang
    Kon pine betina tidak matang
  • Kom debungan Japanese Larch
    Kom debungan Japanese Larch
  • Pineapple gall on Sitka Spruce caused by Adelges abietis.
    Pineapple gall on Sitka Spruce caused by Adelges abietis.
  • Dozens of male cones (orange and flower-like) occur in a cluster; the female cone is still immature (olive green). Lodgepole Pine.
    Dozens of male cones (orange and flower-like) occur in a cluster; the female cone is still immature (olive green). Lodgepole Pine.
  • Blue spruce with cones
    Blue spruce with cones
  • Young female cones of loblolly pine receptive for pollination.
    Young female cones of loblolly pine receptive for pollination.
  • Loblolly pine male cones ready to cast pollen.
    Loblolly pine male cones ready to cast pollen.
  • Cross section of maturing shortleaf pine cone showing seeds (arrows).
    Cross section of maturing shortleaf pine cone showing seeds (arrows).
  • Loblolly pine branch with cones of different ages; 2-yr old cones will disperse seeds during fall and winter.
    Loblolly pine branch with cones of different ages; 2-yr old cones will disperse seeds during fall and winter.
  • Cluster of immature pine cones on Fire Island.
    Cluster of immature pine cones on Fire Island.
  • Cluster of Norway Spruce cones on Hokkaidō.
    Cluster of Norway Spruce cones on Hokkaidō.

Gambaran kon Cupressus melalui tomografi komputer mikro

  • Photographs of the cone, front and back.
    Photographs of the cone, front and back.
  • 3D visualisation of the cone.
    3D visualisation of the cone.
  • Various sections through the 3D object.
    Various sections through the 3D object.
  • Semi-transparent view.
    Semi-transparent view.
  • Mid section.
    Mid section.
  • Flight around the 3D object.
  • Flight through the µCT image stack, lateral view.
  • Flight through the µCT image stack, top view.


Pautan luar

  • Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Conifers
  • Arboretum de Villardebelle Imej-imej bagi pelbagai kon konifer
  • Kon gimnosperma di bioimages.vanderbilt.edu Diarkibkan 2006-04-25 di Wayback Machine
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