My Heaven Is Your Hell

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My Heaven Is Your Hell är en singel från 2004 av den finländska hårdrocksgruppen Lordi.


  1. My Heaven Is Your Hell
  2. Wake the Snake
v  r
Mr. Lordi · Amen · Hiisi Mana Hella
G-Stealer · Magnum · Enary · Kalma · Kita · Otus  · Awa  · OX
Bend Over and Pray the Lord Get Heavy The Monsterican Dream The Arockalypse Deadache Babez For Breakfast To Beast Or Not To Beast Scare Force One Monstereophonic (Theaterror vs. Demonarchy) Sexorcism Killection Lordiversity
Market Square Massacre Bringing Back the Balls to Stockholm
"Would You Love a Monsterman?" "Devil Is a Loser" "My Heaven Is Your Hell" "Blood Red Sandman" "Hard Rock Hallelujah" "Who's Your Daddy?" "It Snows in Hell" "They Only Come Out at Night" "Beast Loose in Paradise" "Bite It Like A Bulldog" "Deadache" "This Is Heavy Metal" "Rock Police" "The Riff" "Nailed by the Hammer of Frankenstein" "Hug You Hardcore" "Your Tongue’s Got the Cat" "Naked in My Cellar" "Shake the Baby Silent" "I Dug a Hole in the Yard for You" "Like A Bee To The Honey" "Believe Me" "Abracadaver" "Borderline"